

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pikelets with strawberries & sweetheart butter

Pikelets with strawberries & sweetheart butter
Pikelets with strawberries & sweetheart butter
These delicious pikelets, accompanied by heart-shaped butter, will bring a smile to the grumpiest of family members.

Ingredients of Pikelets with strawberries & sweetheart butter
250g punnet strawberries
75g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
50g caster sugar
1 egg, whisked
100ml milk
2 tbs unsalted butter, melted, plus extra to brush

Sweetheart butter*
250g unsalted butter, softened
2 tbs good-quality strawberry jam

Preparation of Pikelets with strawberries & sweetheart butter
1.To make the sweetheart butter, place the butter and jam in a bowl and mix until well combined (alternatively process in a food processor). On a clean flat surface, roll the butter into a sausage shape, then wrap in plastic wrap, twisting the ends to seal. Freeze for at least 1 hour until very firm. Just before serving the pikelets, take the butter out of the freezer and use a sharp knife to slice the butter into 1cm rounds (you can keep the plastic wrap on, then peel it once sliced). Use a heart-shaped cutter* to cut each round into a heart shape. (This recipe will make more butter than you need, so just slice what you need, then place the remainder back in the freezer. It will keep for up to 2-3 months.)

2.Halve the strawberries lengthways, then set aside.

3.Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium bowl. Stir in the sugar, then egg. Whisk in the milk, making sure there are no lumps, then stir in the melted butter. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat (to test the heat, sprinkle pan with a little flour; if it browns straight away it is too hot). Brush the pan with a little butter and drop 3 tablespoons of batter into the pan spaced slightly apart. Cook for about 1-2 minutes until bubbles appear on the surface, then flip over and cook the other side. Repeat with remaining mixture. Serve warm with the sweetheart butter and strawberries.

Notes and Tips for Pikelets with strawberries & sweetheart butter
* The sweetheart butter works just as well with different flavoured jams or finely chopped fresh fruit.
* Heart-shaped cutters are available from good kitchenware stores.

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