

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chocolate heart tarts Recipe

Chocolate heart tarts Recipe
Chocolate heart tarts Recipe
You don't need heart-shaped pans to cook something which says I love you - dust a heart on this Snickers' laden tart and it will have the same effect! Happy Valentine's Day.

Ingredients of Chocolate heart tarts
2 x 60g Snickers bars, finely chopped
100g dark chocolate, roughly chopped
1/4 cup pure cream
1 egg
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons caster sugar
icing sugar mixture, to serve

1 1/2 cups plain flour
1/4 cup caster sugar
125g butter, chilled, chopped
1 egg, lightly beaten

Preparation of Chocolate heart tarts Recipe
1.Make pastry: Place flour, sugar and butter in a food processor. Process until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add egg. Process until dough just comes together. Turn pastry onto a lightly floured surface. Knead until just smooth. Shape into a disc. Cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

2.Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease four 3cm-deep, 10cm (base) loose-based fluted tart pans. Roll out pastry between 2 sheets of baking paper until 5mm thick. Using a 13cm cutter, cut 4 rounds from pastry. Line pans with pastry. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.

3.Place pans on a baking tray. Line pastry cases with baking paper. Fill with uncooked rice or ceramic pie weights. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes or until edges are light golden. Remove baking paper and rice or pie weights. Bake for 5 minutes or until base is light golden. Set aside to cool.

4.Meanwhile, reduce oven to 160°C. Divide Snickers between pastry cases. Combine chocolate and cream in a small saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 3 to 4 minutes or until melted and smooth. Allow to cool for 5 minutes.

5.Using an electric mixer, beat egg, egg yolks and sugar until light and fluffy. Add chocolate mixture. Fold in until just combined. Pour mixture into pastry cases. Bake for 25 minutes or until just set. Allow tarts to cool in pans for 10 minutes. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until cold. Dust tarts with icing sugar to form a heart shape (see note). Serve.

Notes and Tips for Chocolate heart tarts Recipe
To make an icing sugar stencil, cut a 12cm circle from a piece of paper. Draw an 8cm heart shape on the circle and cut out, leaving circle intact. Place stencil on tart. Dust heavily with icing sugar to form heart shape.

Tip: Dust icing sugar on cooled tarts, otherwise icing sugar will dissolve.


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